Click on any of the links below to browse Catholic doctrines as I have expounded them from the Bible. The number of links posted here is the same number of apologetics pages I have made.
- Myths that Protestants tell about the origin of the Bible
- Deuterocanon/Apocrypha Objections
- Against Sola Scriptura (with slide show)
- We ought to honor the Saints
- Prayer to Saints in the Bible
- The Saints pray for us
- Talking to a non-Catholic about Prayer to Saints
- Prayer for the dead (see Prayers/suffrages for the dead in Scripture)
- Why Catholics Venerate Mary (And Why You Should Too)
- "Co-Redemptrix"
- "New Eve"
- Prayer to Mary (see Prayer to Saints in the Bible)
- Mary was never a sinner
- The Assumption of Mary
- Faith plus works equals salvation in the Bible
- Meriting Eternal Life: What Catholics Believe
- Mortal and Venial Sins
(also debunks "Eternal Security," "Once Saved Always Saved," and "Preservation of the Saints)
The End-Times